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Congratulations! Your journey with EquiSync® begins now
EquiSync®: Powerful Brainwave Audio For Deep Meditation

Reaching a deep, super-pleasurable, highly beneficial state of meditation is easy with EquiSync's advanced brainwave technology. Just a few of meditation’s limitless benefits:

Transcend the effects of stress
Use your "whole brain:" boost learning ability, memory, & concentration
Feel more happy, confident, inspired, and focused
Reach the highest levels of consciousness
Live more and more of your life in a state of flow
Quiet your mind while increasing thought depth & clarity
Explore and expand your self-awareness: ascend to self-mastery
Fortify your physical health while boosting longevity
Access your vast supply of subconscious mind power
Overcome self-limiting beliefs, habits, phobias, & fears
Improve sleep, effectively reduce insomnia
Move brainwave patterns into the healthiest, most advanced states
Activate your body's highly beneficial "relaxation response"
Enhance your intuition, creativity, and ability to succeed
Achieve the mindset to attract and manifest the life you want
Turn back the clock, boost vitality, feel more energized
Increase emotional resilience, become more psychologically balanced
And much more....

Backed by extensively researched, deeply featured, multilayered brainwave entrainment technology, EquiSync's powerful audio tracks are designed to help you unlock the limitless power of your brain & mind, creating the perfect mental, emotional, and physical environment to realize your highest potential.

Video: EquiSync® Classic vs Deepereum
EquiSync: Classic vs Deepereum vs Element
Over a decade ago, we released our highly popular brainwave system, EquiSync Classic. Since then, we have upgraded the program continually, ensuring our deep meditation audio technology stays on the cutting edge. The latest version of the program includes 7+ hours worth of highly optimized downloadable MP3 audio tracks (that you own forever). While Deepereum may be the more robust system of the two, many people, especially those new to the technology, prefer the elegant simplicity of EquiSync Classic.
EquiSync Deepereum is the first program on the market that allows you to precisely build, customize, & curate a meditation audio track to your liking. With the program's powerful configuration options (brainwave frequency, entrainment technique, session length, audio quality, soundscape, & more), Deepereum opens the door to thousands upon thousands of potential track combinations. While intermediate to advanced users really love the program, Deepereum is built for everyone.
EquiSync Element is the ultimate meditation tool. With it you can quickly and easily create a multilayered, harmonically resonant meditation soundscape — with the purest frequencies. Built with maximum flexibility in mind, there is no limit to what you can create. While advanced users really love the program, Element's powerful auto-generation tools make the program accessible for everyone. You are encouraged to explore EquiSync Element's never-ending options to discover what works best in your practice.
Works On All Devices
100% Money Back Guarantee

Understanding How EquiSync® Works

brainwave entrainment technology for meditation

Your brain has nerve cells that fire electrical signals day and night, forming distinctive arrangements called brainwave patterns. These highly unique patterns are closely connected to your thoughts, emotions, moods, biological chemistry, everything you do, and really, everything that you are.

Because EquiSync® sound technology guides you into different mind states (and various states of meditation) via brainwave entrainment, it's helpful to understand the different frequencies and how they contribute to your state of consciousness.

Since most of us spend our days in the beta state, EquiSync excludes beta brainwaves, and entrains only those responsible for the most beneficial states of consciousness: alpha, theta, and delta. The two charts on this page illustrate the basic benefits of each brainwave state as well as the basic targeting of the EquiSync programs 1, 2, & 3.

EquiSync Programs 1-3 Brainwave Targeting:
Understanding The Brainwave Benefits of Meditation
EquiSync® Gets You Away From Beta Brainwaves
Beta Brainwaves
13-30 Hz
Associated with worry, stress, paranoia, fear, irritability, moodiness, anger. Connected to weakened health and immune system. Fully awake and alert. Nervousness, depression, and anxiety. People spend most of their time in the beta state.
EquiSync® 1 Targets Alpha Brainwaves, Known For:
Alpha Brainwaves
7-13 Hz
Meditation Begins Mind Chatter Slows Down Great For Learning & Studying Creative Ideas Flow Reverse Brain’s Aging Habits, Fears, Phobias Melt Away Calm & Peaceful First Layer Of Subconscious Mind Gateway To Deeper Mental States Advanced Focus Relaxation Begins Serotonin Endorphins Good For Anxiety, Depression, Stress, Panic Mind Power Happiness Confidence
EquiSync® 2 Targets Theta Brainwaves, Known For:
Theta Brainwaves
4-7 Hz
Deep Meditation Near The Stage Of Sleep Vivid, Dreamlike Imagery Creative Visualization Feel More Open & Connected Advanced Problem Solving Super Creativity Insight Intuition Inspiration Deeper Subconscious To Super-Conscious Mind Trance-like GABA Immune System Serotonin Endorphins Acetylcholine Lower Cortisol Deeply Relaxed Sleep Better Emotional Intelligence
EquiSync® 3 Targets Delta Brainwaves, Known For:
Delta Brainwaves
0-4 Hz
Deeper Meditation Some Scientists Believe To Be The Most Beneficial State Asscociated With Deep, Dreamless Sleep Unconscious To Super-Conscious Part Of The Mind Super-Healing Best For Immune System Rejuvenation Renewal Health Restoration Longevity Overcome Insomnia Highly Advanced Awareness
EquiSync® 4 Targets Gamma Brainwaves, Known For:
Gamma Brainwaves
30-100 Hz
Intense Meditation Super Focus & Concentration Associated w/ "Genius" Found In Monks & Visionaries Mystical / Out of Body Experiences Super Consciousness Hyper Mental Awareness Feel "At One" With All Peak Experience Transcendental Mental States The Flow State Highest State For Learning Tap Intelligent Infinity
This chart illustrates the potential benefits of each brainwave state. Results may vary from person to person.
Illustration: Simulated Brainwave Patterns, Before & After
How EquiSync® Targets Alpha, Theta, Delta, & Gamma Waves
⤋ ⤋ ⤋
Our Typical Brainwave State
High Beta Waves
Unbalanced Brain
Our Typical State
⤋ ⤋ ⤋
Brainwaves of Advanced Practitioner
 Awakened Mind
 Balanced Brain
 Super Powerful
With EquiSync
Alpha Session
Depth Setting #1
EquiSync 1
Alpha Focused
Balanced Brain
Meditation Begins
With EquiSync
Theta Session
Depth Setting #2
EquiSync 2
Theta Focused
Balanced Brain
Deep Meditation
With EquiSync
Delta Session
Depth Setting #3
EquiSync 3
Delta Focused
Balanced Brain
Deeper Meditation
With EquiSync
Gamma Session
Depth Setting #4
EquiSync 4
Gamma Focused
Balanced Brain
Intense Meditation
With a focus on the mega-powerful Alpha, Theta, Delta, & Gamma brainwave frequencies, EquiSync is designed to mirror the natural brainwave state of an advanced meditator. This allows you to tap into much deeper, much more pleasurable, and much higher quality states of meditation — without years of practice. With EquiSync®, you only need one program to experience the deepest, most highly beneficial states of consciousness with amazing results.
Enhanced For Illustration Purposes. Results May Vary From Person To Person.
toggle gamma
toggle alpha
toggle theta
toggle delta